We No Longer Stand

Transparency abused 

I don’t want to deal with anybody who tells the person in the mirror their actions are justifiable because they told you so 

You still do fucked up things 

You say you will .. 

And you know how they saying goes.. 

Don’t say you will unless you will 

Book of Yeezy 

The word I thought about most today was cycles 

I don’t want to be caught in cycles 

Stuck in cycles that have no beneficial qualities 

Cycles that lack equality 

The selfish 

I am liberated from my state of emotional turmoil and as a parting gift I want transfer my pain into the rest of the world 


Plot Twist: I’m numb so certain pain is no longer a true stimulant   

It produces nothing but fuel.. 

And most importantly absolute clarity on my value to you as a person 

The level of respect you do or don’t have for me 

And where we no longer stand.

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